分卷阅读50 (第2/2页)
议的看着他说。 “怕你炒我鱿鱼啊。” “还不是阿齐给我电话说你们今天可能演不了了。”VK优雅的把烟按到了烟灰缸里。 “演不了了?”陆天宇惊奇的看着VK。 “他是这么说的。我也不知道怎么回事。” 陆天宇掏出了手机,姚远关机,秦飞不接。但好歹联系上了阿齐和纪平。他们说一会儿准时到。 “今天可能就3个人演。”陆天宇挂了电话看着VK。 “能行吗?” “没问题,不过可能今天得以摇滚乐为主了。就我、贝司和鼓手能来。” “吉他怎么办?”VK盯着陆天宇问。 “我来。”陆天宇说着跳上了舞台。 “行吧。什么音乐无所谓。能演就行。你们都快成我这儿的招牌了。”VK撂下这句话转身出了吧台,指挥伙计们干活儿去了。 陆天宇搬了一把高脚凳上来,拿起秦飞留在这里的吉他开始调音。 店里还没有客人。灯光很黯淡。 陆天宇弹着吉他轻轻唱起了歌。 “Call you up in the middle of the night Like a firefly without a light You were there like a blowtorch burning I was a key that could use a little turning So tired that I couldn't even sleep So mas I couldn't keep I promised myself I wouldn't weep One more promise I couldn't keep It seems no one help me now, I'm in too deep; there's no way out This time I have really led myself astray Runaway train, never going back Wrong way on a one-way track Seems like I should be getting somewhere Somehow I'm her here nor there you help me remember how to smile? Make it somehow all seem worthwhile How oh did I get so jaded? Life's mystery seems so faded I go where no one else go I know what no one else knows Here I am just a-drownin' in the rain With a ticket for a runaway train And everything seems cut