Time Traveler Symposium 01 (第4/6页)
station in time, and the astronauts on the space station will enter the botanical garden for repairs.
AI intelligent 4D printer is responsible for printing food, pills, daily ies,
Alice suddenly said,
Every year from May to September oh,
I will lead a group every month,
Take the ielr travel time mae under the os gaxy alien group,
Traveling to the attras of the earth from 2020 to 2030,
The average age of the members of Space City is about 120-150 years old,
The purpose of their travels is mostly to find or iigate the millennium ges in the history of the earth...
Alice suddenly said,
Earth Gregorian Era 2500,
aliens unicate with earthlings,
brought great innovation and teology,
The lifespan of aliens is 400-450 years,
The human lifespan oh has reached 200 years.
And there have been great developments and progress in medie,
All diseases be cured in minutes,
half an hour,
The hostess Nina said: May I ask Anita, the time traveler, what was the living enviro of the earth in 3000 AD?
Alice suddenly said,
Earth Gregorian Era 3000,
In order to cope with the extra-terrestrial sor system,
Some people oh have bee cybs,
Some have begun to modify their genes,
Due to geic mutation,
Humans oh have evolved red eyes and even have superhuman abilities,
To bat global warming,
Earth's human skin will bee darker, and evolved to be taller, thinner,