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years ago when I was iary school, I was taught that a was 100 years behind America. Later on I heard 50 years behind, 30 years behind……when I first came to the Uates I had an iing finding,a is actually 12 hours ahead of US.” (译:30年前我上小学的时候,我听说中国比美国落后一百年,后来我听过五十年、三十年……但当我第一次来美国时有个有趣的发现,原来中国比美国提前十二小时。 注:时差。) 会场里响起笑声,陈立继续说:“ese farmers have been utilizing human-feces-based fertilizer for thousands of years. That’s one big reason that a still has fertile nd after pnting so manyyears. Heavy metal ination is not attributed to using feces fertilizer, but the inappropriate disposal of industrial waste, including the waste from developed tries. Deination of heavy metals in soils and biosolids is our step to deal with.” (译:中国农民已经用排泄物类肥料用了几千年,这也是中国的土地在耕种了几千年后依然肥沃的一个重要原因。重金属污染并不能归咎于使用这样的肥料,而是因为不正确的工业废料处理,包括从发达国家输出的废料。解决土壤和生物固体中的重金属污染是我们下一步要解决的。) 不留任何补充提问的机会,Gruca教授起身代表系里感谢陈立的报告,同时公布陈教授将与自己合作研究B类生物固体的处理技术。 老安德鲁一边鼓掌一边扭头对陶郁说:“I told you he is a smart guy, even smarter than I thought!” (译:我说过他是个聪明人,比我想象中更聪明。) 陶郁认同老头的说法,那个教授的问题陈立既不能肯定也无法否认,他用另一种方式传递出中美差距在几十年间迅速缩短的事实,同时也表达了对中国式肥料和重金属污染的立场。换个位置,陶郁不知道自己是否也能在不使双方难堪的情况下,回答这个令人尴尬的问题。 报告结束后Gruca把陈立介绍给系主任,老安德鲁和另一个环境教授也加入交谈。见对方一时半会儿抽不出身,陶郁在微博上给他发了条私信,没有留