49如果他是个普通人如果 (第2/2页)
下琴。 “In the light of the sun, is there anyone oh it has begun” 一开嗓就吸引了不少人驻足,连旁边跳街舞的小团体都停下来、好奇地盯着他看。 “Oh dear you look so lost eyes are red and tears are shed this world you must,ve crossed just said, you don,t know me, you don,t even care you said, you don,t know me, you don,t wear my s” 电子琴的质量并不好,话筒也很差劲。可旋律就是流进了每个人的心里,和着忧伤又低沉的嗓音、兑成地中海午后的一杯加了薄荷叶的柠檬汁,酸得灵魂发涩。 “Essential yet appealed carry all your thoughts across an open field when flaze at you they,re not the only ones who cry when they see you” you said you don,t know me, you don,t even care oh,you said, you don,t know me, you don,t wear my s” 聚集的人越来越多,很多人走上来朝盒子里扔硬币甚至纸币、还有人在拿手机录像。这些人里也许有中国人、有他的粉丝,但他好像顾不得那么多了、烦躁和某种说不清的情绪溢满心脏,他需要宣泄出来、不然会爆掉。 “She said I think I,ll go to Boston I think I,ll start a new life I think I,ll start it over no one knows my name I,ll get out of California I,m tired of the weather I think I,ll get a lover and fly out to Spain” “I think I,ll go to Boston I think that I,m just tired I think I need a own to leave this all behind I think I need a sunrise, I,m tired of the su I hear it,s ni the Summer some snow would be nice” “you don,t know me, you don,t even care Boston no one knows my name no one knows my name” 如果他是个普通人……如果……